Possono gli occhi

What happens when you take a photograph? Can the eyes perceive something other than the image they frame? Can they perceive the potential of an image? The work does not seek to answer these questions, but to investigate them through photographs that describe reality, but at the same time, through analogical in-camera and off-camera techniques, distance themselves from it or even transform it. The exhibition narrates a gradual approach to the abstract, beginning with figurative images taken on small and medium-format film, black and white or colour, expired or treated with a pushing process. These are characterised by small or obvious elements - canonically considered errors - that place them in another, surreal dimension. It then continues with experimental techniques such as cyanotypes up to the manipulation and destruction of polaroids, emulsion lift and polaroid decay.

The exibition took place at Ubik Varese form 04/12/2024 to 11/01/2025, if you’re intrested in hosting it in a new space email me!

Fuggire (2023) 
Quando la testa è alttrove, dov’è? (2023)
Fotografia liquida (2023)
Lonely is the muse (2024)
Scomparsa (2024)
©Elena Lovisoloinfo@elenalovisolo.com@sc.ully